The Conversation
Page 4
And than she posted this after the comment above. 
Now here it is!  This woman  had nerve to post this and say it was the truth.  Check out who her lawyer is talking too!  The crimes she says I committed!  Again!  Over and over she claims I am breaking the law, but  here I am 6 months later not one word from her lawyer, only police contact was initiated by me.  Wonder why????

Comments Page 4
If correction is needed please leave comment.

Sorry still looking for a copy that is clearer, even when she posted it, it was hard to read.  On paper it is better but still looking for  a better one. 
60 mins per hour times 24 hours is 1440 mins.
Divide 10512​ by 1440 comes out to exactly 7.3 days.
my first time in years on her blog was less than 4 days before this was posted.  This had me laughing so hard because just looking at it I knew it didn't happen in 24 hours or so!​  How did her readers miss that?
You can't see it very well but all the hits came from one site, who would be that stupid???
This is one of the main reasons I started printing comments plus the next one.  This is a result of her terrible lies.  That anyone would think that of me!!!  If possible I would love this person to be in court with us, and see the real truth!  She is using her daughter as a weapon, and not for the first time, to me that is not motherly love. 
This was my answers (laughing really got me about the hits, still makes me laugh!!!!! 
Okay only going to show you the first page for now only because it proves that in 2008 she was good friends with a computer geek!!!  And the post she mentions? 2008 there is more to the post showing that going after me was not the first time she did this on line and there are others.  The Article swamped by hits is called :Yummy Yule Decorations"  Check the date on this post!
Okay I am not leaving anything out of what I posted.
Page 5 coming within 36 hours hopefully, come back, she is finished with her lies and "who" is talking me to court!