The Conversation
Page 2​
And than she posted this after the comment above. 
I never noticed till now that she mentioned my sister's name here.  That should have warned me what was coming!

Now I did make a comment but accidently deleted it from blog a while back, If she really thinks that it will make any difference I could ​​ apply to blog support and see if they can retrieve it for me before court, although I might find it in among my print offs from my own blog.

Now ​​this is the first post, Open Letter to my Creeper (s),  after It Needs to be Said, now the comment that was removed was written after
after Open letter.......Creeper(s)​.  

Check this out!  Real names!    ​​This was written approx. 24 hours after my first comment on her page!  You will not believe it unless you see it!  Just  for a reference this woman knows I worked we talked about in person, she told me she had a job like mine but after 2 weeks didn't like it.  And I have never been on disability, not even when I had my hip replaced. 
This is what I posted when she deleted my comment and posted hers (see Page 1 above tab)
Sorry hard to see what I typed there when  I blacked out the names.  Here it is again:  How sad just noticed she put her daughters name in here as well.  Notice how my sister is making me and my niece write the comments?  Not in this life time and my niece is her own person, an adult , hr mother could not make her do something like that.  How sad Boho says that, does that mean when her daughter is in her late twenties that boho will be able to make her do something she herself wouldn't do, let her take the blame?  Wonder what that medical person would say about that!

Now here is my response

Now you will love this next one from her.  It is an update on "Open Letter to my Creeper (s)" written after what you just read.  Now keep in mind I have not seen this woman now for about 8 months or more.  I never spoke on the phone with her (why would I?)  You have seen what I have written.  But yet she says the following.

Now I am not sure how the law works where you live, but here we take threats on children very seriously, to call the police and report such a thing, you better not be lying.  To accuse someone, name them, the police would be at their door before you could say boo!

I actually called the police station to ask what I needed to do to see if she did what she said.  I was told and made plans to go if she did not stop.  The officer said I had nothing to worry about because the police would have been at my house as soon as the​y received it especially if an escort was asked for to take child to school (even a 16 yrs old!).

Now you will also see what else she posted.  Now remember I never said anything bad about her daughter, actually liked her, I have pity for her now too.  My fear is she will be her mother one day, and if not, she will learn the truth of what her mother has done and is doing.​​​   My only hope is that she is strong and will overcome the pain her mother has caused in her name.  That is how her mother controls her family, she threatens to cut off her daughter from them, that they will never see her.

Now take note of what this girl says, her mother says that I do not know them, or hardly know them, but talks of sleeping at my house--never in a million years would I have ever allowed that!  Also note that she refers only to the first comment I made.  Nothing after it, not the police nothing.​​  She also says that she is doing it of her own free will.  Wonder if she seen everything?  Her  mothers comments and posts and all of mine???  I think not. 

Okay. Will post what I wrote next and will start Page 3 tomorrow night early Monday.

Also need to point ​out that at this time I had been blogging for a whole 2  maybe 2 1/2 days when I wrote this next one.  Knew nothing of blogging at all.  I did not realize that comments made on a blog would be sent to your email, how would I know that, never really occurred to me to look in my email.  Was using dashboard to tell me what I needed to know.  So when I emailed her, commented they both went to the same email box (Kinda funny I think!!!)

Now if this woman was paying attention she should have realized that I was only trying to cover my butt, make sure I didn't write something that she would turn around a say "I never saw that!!  She didn't tell me!  ​​

Wasn't till a few days later that I realized it.  Still makes me laugh!!​​

Now you would think after all this that she would have thought twice about continuing this.  I think most would.  Considering how easy it is to prove her wrong.  Not this woman.  That is not how she works.  

All her life scare tactics and blackmail have gotten her out of every problem she has created.  She should have realized I am not a woman who is insecure or afraid.   ​​

Believe it or not this actually gets worse!

All she had to do was shut up, remove the comments and posts, but​ ​nope to her that would say she was wrong.  In her eyes she is never ever wrong.

Page 3 coming within 24 to 36 hours!
Stay tuned!​​​

Trust me, she tries something that when I read it was laughing so hard, my eyes watered!



Comments for Page 2
She may also comment here for order and if she has a copy of the missing statement she may email me. If she posts it here it must not be altered!!!!

Okay found the deleted comment here it is: